Here’s How The Hoosiers Feeding The Hungry Program Works
Animal Is Donated By Farmers, Hunters, 4-H
Pig, Cow, Deer, Goat, Sheep/Lamb, Poultry
Animal Is Taken To A Hoosiers Feeding The Hungry Partnering* Meat Processor
*Meets Indiana State Guidelines and collaborates with Hoosiers Feeding the Hungry
Meat Is Ground & Packed Into 1-to-2-Pound Frozen Packages At No Cost To The Donor
Meat Is Picked Up By The Partnering Recipient Agency
Hoosiers Feeding the Hungry or the processor will call a partnering recipient agency for pick-up of the finished meat
Hoosiers Feeding the Hungry Pays The Processing Fees!
Would you like to:
- Learn more about our mission
- Become a partnering meat processor
- Become a partnering recipient agency
- Learn about volunteering
- Have us speak at an event
The more who know, the more we can grow!
Kokomo Rescue Mission
Me and my family
Meat Recipient of Local Food Pantry